A Priceless Inheritance


And we have a priceless inheritance – an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the realm of change and decay.  1 Peter 1:4

Nothing in life is certain. Much chronic anxiety has its roots in our struggle with uncertainty and circumstances beyond our control. We try to gain control in our lives, clinging to the things we believe will make us happy, or secure, or content. And then the false gods of security, money, success, health and pleasure fail to protect us from the inevitable disappointments, tragedies and losses that life brings.

But as children of God, we have a rock-solid, pure, unchanging, utterly dependable, living hope! Our eternal glory, our sure salvation, the joy before us! Our inheritance is the incredible privilege of being able to enjoy God, and all that he is, forever. If we grasp this, it transforms everything. This truth about our heavenly inheritance gives us the ability to endure trials on earth. We have the possibility of joy in all circumstances.